Monday, March 21, 2011

Words on Happiness Volume I

Barnes and Noble


This short book explores tips for happiness. Happiness here is not defined as enjoyment, pleasure, or warm fuzzies. Instead, happiness is the realization that life provides times of laughter, joy, and solace. But, it also provides times of neutrality, pain, and battle. Sometimes the battle scars are so deep that we should rightfully not have survived to tell our stories. Happiness is the acceptance of all these times and the courage to live through them.


Words on Happiness:

Walk in the other guy's shoes. Before you do, sanitize them so you don't get foot fungus. After you've walked a mile in them, give them back, and respect that he might not be willing to walk in yours yet.

Give of yourself. When you die, what you've held back will be forgotten, but what you've given will be remembered by all those whose lives you've touched.

Most people act out of a desire to have their wants and needs met. They do not act out of vengeance or specifically to hurt you. If you are hurt in the process, realize that it's probably easier for the them to ignore the pain you're feeling than to deal with their own issues.

When you speak softly and carry a big stick, try not to do so in the house of someone who keeps a loaded pistol near his/her bedside.

When upset, make sure to tell the people you're talking with afterward whether or not you're looking to vent your frustration or for them to help you fix your problem. Your friends need guidance for when to listen and when to speak.

Deliver the goods you've promised. If you can't, chocolate always helps to smooth things over.

Keep your sense of awe and wonderment.

Spend time near flowering trees.

Root for the underdog, but don't necessarily place a bet on them with anything other than Monopoly money.

Hold your friends close, your enemies closer, and your family closest.

Smile, even when you don't feel like it.

Allow yourself anger, frustration, sadness, despair, envy, bitterness, etc., but schedule a time to end those things so that you can again feel hope.

What isn't said speaks as loudly as what is said.

Make time to ponder and reflect.

Own a teddy bear to hug when you're down. People are great for hugs, but teddy bears aren't ever too tired or too busy for a good squeeze session.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A New Direction for This Blog

Very shortly, I'm going to be changing the direction of the posts I take on this blog. I haven't been writing here simply because the things I've been learning in general probably aren't of much use to anyone. I have been learning a lot of things lately about self publishing, though.

So, for the forseeable future, my posts will be related to self publishing. I will soon be putting up some of my covers and be talking about my upcoming works. If you have been following this blog in the past and are not interested in self publishing, particularly within the field of erotica or erotic romance, you may want to unfollow.

I have kept my writing life separate from this blog for a long time because I know that erotica and erotic romance isn't for everyone. I respect that some people simply don't like reading it or don't want to read about it. But, since this is my blog and I have been learning a great deal lately, I'm going to proceed in the way that I feel is going to be most beneficial to myself personally and to my readers in general.

So, be forwarned that this blog will turn into something that may quickly become NSFW due to the cover images I will be placing within the posts and also on the sides menus.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I now realize I read ebooks almost twice as fast as paper books. I can read at the gym and make the text larger while I'm on the cardio equipment. My book light works well in the movie room at the gym too. I find myself reading on my cell phone when I find a spare minute here or there...

I think I might be getting eye strain, though, because there are some days in which I read for pleasure for twelve or more hours per day.

That might also be the reason I've neglecting my blogs lately. I've been absorbed in some really great fiction reading lately.