Sunday, December 28, 2008


In speaking with my brother-in-law who now lives in Idaho but who is originally from New York and has also lived in Wisconsin, we were talking about farming in Idaho.  He was telling me that when there is water to be had in this part of the country from the mountain snow melting, that the farmers here prefer that it not rain much between April and the end of harvest. 

I was stunned at this, because being from Iowa, rain is such a blessing.  He said that the farmers in Idaho would rather control the water that they receive for the crops through irrigation whereas rain is unpredictable and complicates their attempts to water the crops correctly.  What he told me makes a lot of sense, but I never would have guessed it.  Unfortunately, there are years in which the farmers don't have the water to be able to control.  I wouldn't like that much either.  

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