Monday, December 8, 2008

Try, even if you don't think it will work

I am in Iowa this week, staying with my parents who don't have Internet access. Yesterday, I went to Panera, just to get the WiFi. My intuition had been telling me during the entire 10 hour drive north that I would go absolutely crazy without Internet access all week, especially if a snow storm were to hit and I wouldn't be able to hunt down a signal in a public place like Panera or Starbucks.

I've tried hunting for a signal at my parents' house before, with no luck.

Today, however, the Internet stars have lined up because I have a magical signal. I have no clue if it will continue, but I'm grateful for it. My lesson today is that even if I'm certain that I'll face obstacles, I'm going to face them anyway and just try to do my best. The outcome might be better than what I anticipated!

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